In the first season of "The third eye", police detective Viggo Lust caught the person who had kidnapped and killed his daughter Christina. Two years have passed and now he is working the organized crime division. A drug case he and his new partner, Ståle (Eivind Sander), are working on ends up in the brutal murder of a small time drug dealer. This is the start of a manhunt to find the killer, but also to solve several other intertwined storylines.

I had the pleasure to grade the entire series (10 x 46 minutes) in collaboration with the directors, cinematographers and producer. We are talking about colouring over 6800 shots, which is a fare amount of imagery.

The look was developed in cooperation with conceptual director Gunnar Vikene (ep 1 - 5 & 9 - 10) and conceptual cinematographer Håvar Karlsen. Several months before the main grading started we began developing different looks by grading stills during principal photography. In these initial grading sessions the wish for creating a gritty look with visible warm / cold contrasts was uttered early on. We kept a healthy amount of saturation where vivid lights was used onset, so that we didn´t end up using a too desaturated palette.

To enhance the psychological imbalance of the characters we embraced cyan and green hues too, adding a unsettling feeling to the visuals. Many of the early looks where used as-is in the final grade.

Episode 6 - 8 were directed by Geir Henning Hopeland and shot by cinematographer Gaute Gunari.

The image above shows coloursamples from all ten episodes compressed together.

Viggo has difficulties differentiating between dream and reality. The dream-sequences needed a unique identifiable look that differed from the normal world. We tried different approaches, and ended up with a twisted look that hopefully portraits the characters minds-eye.

I really enjoyed the creative freedom that the creatives gave me throughout the project. But as with every production, it´s all about great teamwork and dedication.

The series has already been sold to several other countries, and premiered on Norwegian TV2, 06.03.2016. Check out one of the trailer!

  • CreditColourist
  • CategoryTV Drama
  • GenreCrime / Thriller
  • Runtime10 x 42 min
  • Director
    Gunnar Vikene
    Geir Henning Hopland
  • DP
    Håvar Karlsen
    Gaute Gunnari
  • Prod CoRubicon TV
  • ClientTV2
  • Premiere06.03.2016